(I+D) De productos en Pymes del Estado Táchira Venezuela
Product research & development in small and medium industry in Táchira state, Venezuela
The development of this research project comes through the interest for improving companies` products and services in the region through the generation of easily accessible information tachirense entrepreneurship. The objective was to describe the process (R & D) of new products in small and medium enterprises in Táchira state in Venezuela. The design was framed on an experimental design, through field research. It was conducted by a non-probability sampling rate to 35-intentioned owners or managers of SMEs at Táchira. Serious weaknesses were found out in planning, organization and direction in administering the process (R & D), regarding the methods and technology employed (R & D), highlights the technological development of SMEs own Táchira. The organizational structure, resources for (R & D) staff are responsible for the process, methods for product`s development and organizational strategy as a differentiating factor, are the key success factors in the (R & D) of new SME products in Táchira
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Texto completo:
PDFP-ISSN 1317-8822 E-ISSN 2477-9547
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53766/VIGEREN
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